User-Supporter Communication
The application is an easy-to-use web interface for users to submit requests to the IT department. One needs an internet browser to work with it.
One request per a problem is advisable. A request may contain user - supporter correspondence and file exchange. Each request has attributes such as urgency, deadline, requester, responsible person, status, rating and many more.
Integration with Hardware Inspector and Hardware Inspector Client/Server
The module is designed for integrated work with our computer inventory programs. All our products can work with one database.
Delegating responsiblities
Supporters can have different access rights to requests. Requests can be assigned to responsible persons and groups, both automatically and manually.
Categorizing requests by types
For convenience and efficiency, requests fall into several customizable categories. A request category can be assigned either to a supporter or a support group to process requests belonging to a particular category.
Service levels
Different deadlines and urgency values determine the sequence of request processing.
User registration
Users can register on their own which ensures a faster response from the support team.
Notifications about changes by e-mail
Requester and responsible persons can receive notifications about changes in requests by e-mail.